
BRAND Signature
TYPE Hybrid
Signature Quattro hybrid is extra heavy duty and exceptionally resistant to heavy foot traffic, indents and scuffs. The decorative layer is a true-to-life look and feel of premium timber. Extra dense planks are free from harmful content, water-proof, extra stable and extra sound absorbent. The built-in underlay is added for added acoustic performance and installation.
Lifetime Residential Warranty
15 year Commercial Warranty
Signature Quattro oaks, Aussie species and tiles is an outstanding quality hybrid flooring built for a lifetime of enjoyment.
Living Room
Rumpus Room
Suitable in rooms with floor to ceiling windows
Water-proof (can be installed in bathrooms)
Suitable to be laid over tiles
Core is free of harmful content & plasticisers
Can be wet & steam mopped
Sound absorbent - BCA Acoustic Compliant
For more information about Hybrid flooring and it's benefits, please read our blog located at the below link:
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